7400 Ic
7400 ic
IC 7400, NAND gate 7400 IC is the most widely used TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) device in the world. It contains four independent two-input NAND gates. Its popularity is based on the fact that any logic gate function can be created using only NAND gates.
Why it is called IC 7400?
Responses. james. 7400 7402. mentions that it has dual inline package and 7 pins each side. 4 represents number of gates last two digits r meant for type code.
What is the function of pin number 14 of IC 7400?
The power supply required is +5V. For most of the 7400 chips, pin 7 is the ground (GND) connection and pin 14 is the +5V power supply. There are exceptions like the 7490. 2.0V or higher signifies a logical "1"; 0.8V or lower signifies a logical "0".
Which IC is used for NAND gate?
The standard, 4000 series, CMOS IC is the 4011, which includes four independent, two-input, NAND gates.
How does IC 7400 work?
The IC 7400 is a 14-pin chip and it includes four 2-input NAND gates. Every gate utilizes 2-input pins & 1-output pin, by the remaining 2-pins being power & ground. This chip was made with different packages like surface mount and through-hole which includes ceramic (or) plastic dual-in-line and flat pack.
What does LS mean in 7400?
Gates built with Schottky transistorsuse more power than normal TTL and switch faster. WithLow-power Schottky(LS), internalresistance values were increased to reduce power consumption and increase switching speed overthe original version.
Which IC used in logic gates?
IC No. | Gate |
7400 | NAND |
7402 | NOR |
7404 | NOT |
7408 | AND |
How many circuits are contained in a 7400 IC?
Ic 7400 contains 4 logic gates. It is a two-input and one output gate. NAND gate ic has 14 total pin.
How many transistors are in a 7402 chip?
Pin Number | Description |
4 | 2Y-OUTPUT of GATE2 |
8 | 3A-INPUT1 of GATE 3 |
9 | 3B-INPUT2 of GATE 3 |
What is the delay in 7400 IC?
The original 7400 discrete TTL logic family featured typical propagation delays of 10 ns per gate and power consumption, also called power dissipation, of approximately 10 mW per gate.
What type of IC is 7402?
7402 IC is a device containing four independent gates each of which performs the logic NOR function. 7402 package options include: plastic small outline, ceramic chip carriers, flat packages, plastic and ceramic DIPs. The SN7402, SN74LS02 and SN74S02 are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
Which is universal gate?
NAND and NOR gates are universal gates.
Why is NAND universal?
The NAND gate and the NOR gate can be said to be universal gates since combinations of them can be used to accomplish any of the basic operations and can thus produce an inverter, an OR gate or an AND gate. The non-inverting gates do not have this versatility since they can't produce an invert.
What NAND means?
What does NAND stand for? Surprisingly, NAND is not an acronym. Instead, the term is short for "NOT AND," a boolean operator and logic gate. The NAND operator produces a FALSE value only if both values of its two inputs are TRUE.
Which NAND is best?
Single-level cell (SLC) NAND stores only 1 bit of information per cell. The cell stores either a 0 or 1 and, as a result, the data can be written and retrieved faster. SLC provides the best performance and the highest endurance with 100,000 P/E cycles so it will last longer than the other types of NAND.
Where are logic ICs used?
Linear ICs are widely used as pre-amplifiers, power amplifiers, oscillators, and signal processors, etc., and give a basic output that is directly proportional to the magnitude (analog value) of the input signal, which itself may have any value between zero and some prescribed maximum limit.
Which are the input pins in the IC 7402?
The 7402 is a 14 Pin Quad 2-Input NOR Gate IC.
What does IC number mean?
IC codes (identity code) or 6+1 codes are codes used by the British police in radio communications and crime recording systems to describe the apparent ethnicity of a suspect or victim.
What does LS mean in IC?
What is the meaning of LS in IC 74LS00? LS = low power schottky. F = fast. HC = high speed cmos. HCT = high speed cmos with ttl levels.
What is LS in IC?
LS is a subfamily called low pwer Schottky which was lower in power and faster than the original 7400 family. The 00 indicates logic function, 00 was a quadruple (four per package) 2-input NAND gate. 10.8k views · View 16 Upvoters.
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