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Collector Current Formula

The collector current, along with the base current, is a product of the energy produced through the emitter circuit, which is divided at the base current's generation through the transistor. Only a fraction of the exiting current is base current, and the remaining portion is considered the collector current.

What is the formula for IC?

IB = IB0 exp (VBE/Vt) and IC = β IB0 exp (VBE/Vt) where Is is the saturation current that depends on the devices parameters including the base width and doping.

What is the collector current for a CE configuration?

A transistor is opened in CE configuration at VCC = 2V such that a change in base current from 100 μA to 200 μ A produces a change in the collector current from 9 mA to 16.5 mA.

Is collector current equal to base current?

In a BJT, the collector current is approximately equal to the base current.

What is maximum collector current?

The maximum collector current is normally rated to be the current at which the DC current gain (hFE) falls to 50% of its maximum value. The maximum peak current is Page 2 Operation notes Transistors Rev.A 2/7 rated at a value which ensures reliability within the maximum allowed junction temperature.

How do you calculate collector voltage?

This can be done using the formula: Vcc = Vrc + Vrb + Vbe + (Ic + Ib)Rc + IbRb + Vbe, where "Vrc" is the voltage across the collector resistor; "Vrb" is the voltage across the base resistor (connected across the base) and the junction between the collector resistor and the transistor collector; and "Vbe" is the voltage

What is collector emitter voltage?

The Collector−Emitter Voltage, VCEO, spec states the maximum voltage that can be applied from the collector to emitter is 50 V. In addition, the table specifies that the maximum DC collector current (IC) that the device can conduct is 100 mA. There are two maximum ratings for the input voltage, forward and reverse.

What is emitter base and collector?

Emitter, base and collector It supplies a large number of majority charge carriers. Base is the central segment of thin size and is lightly doped (to reduce recombination). Collector is largest in size and moderately doped at one end of the transistor. It collects a majority of majority charge carriers.

What is VCB in transistor?

• VCB: dc voltage at collector with respect to base. • VCE: dc voltage at collector with respect to emitter. VBB forward-biases the base-emitter junction and VCC reverse-biases the. base-collector junction.

Why collector current is nearly equal to emitter current?

For the normal operation, we forward bias the emitter diode & reverse bias the collector diode . Under these conditions the emitter sends free electrons into the base. Most of these free electrons pass through the base to collector. Because of this, the collector current approximately equal the emitter current.

What is collector to base biasing?

Collector to Base Bias This circuit helps in improving the stability considerably. If the value of IC increases, the voltage across RL increases and hence the VCE also increases. This in turn reduces the base current IB. This action somewhat compensates the original increase.

Why is it called common collector?

Common-collector transistor amplifiers are so-called because the input and output voltage points share the collector lead of the transistor in common with each other, not considering any power supplies. The common-collector amplifier is also known as an emitter-follower.

What is the base current?

Base current is typically 1% of emitter or collector current for small signal transistors. Most of the emitter electrons diffuse right through the thin base (c) into the base-collector depletion region. Note the polarity of the depletion region surrounding the electron at (d).

What is the relation between α and β?

β=1−α Complete step-by-step answer: Alpha of a transistor is defined as the current gain in the common base configuration which is in turn defined as the ratio of change in the collector current to change in the emitter current.

Can base current be greater than collector current?

There is no requirement that the base current be smaller than the collector current.

What is maximum base current?

What is the maximum rating of the Base current? The maximum Base current rating is 1/3rd the Collector current (1/10th in the case of Darlington transistors).

Which transistor current is largest?

The emitter current IE is always the largest one. The base current IB is always the smallest. The collector current IC and emitter current IE are relatively close in magnitude.

What is rating in transistor?

Just like resistors, transistors are rated for how many watts each can safely dissipate without sustaining damage. High temperature is the mortal enemy of all semiconductor devices, and bipolar transistors tend to be more susceptible to thermal damage than most.

What is voltage gain formula?

Formulas used: Voltage gain of amplifierAV=V0Vi , or this can be interpreted as the ratio between the input voltage and the output voltage of the circuit.

How is amp current gain calculated?

Amplifier gain is simply the ratio of the output divided-by the input. Gain has no units as its a ratio, but in Electronics it is commonly given the symbol “A”, for Amplification. Then the gain of an amplifier is simply calculated as the “output signal divided by the input signal”.

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